About Us
Our Mission

Daniel Oppong
Hi, I’m Daniel, and I’m the Founder of Boundless.
Growing up as the son of immigrant parents, I had four choices when it came to my career path: be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or get a PhD. Candidly, I wasn’t interested in any of those options.
It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I finally found my professional footing in Entrepreneurship, when I took an internship at a healthcare focused Venture Capital fund.
On paper, I had no business even getting the job. And if I’m being super honest, I didn’t even know what the hell venture capital or entrepreneurship were at the time! The only reason I even thought to apply was because I saw someone on the Founding team who looked like me (shoutout Marcus Whitney!), and when I saw him, I thought to myself, “If he can do it, then maybe I can, too.” And the rest is history.
For me, the “why” behind Boundless is simple: I know that there are many others just like me who have all the talent in the world, but haven’t been afforded the same professional opportunities. At Boundless, we’re changing that by creating access for Black & Brown folks in Marketing, Consulting & Tech, and connecting them with companies who also see their magic and are creating an environment where they can truly shine.
Lamar Morgan
Hey, I’m Lamar, and I’m the Co-Founder of Boundless. Too often black and brown individuals are made to feel like chances, tokens, or checked boxes in the name of “diversity.” But the truth is, we are here because we belong.
My future changed when Daniel Oppong created a space for me. A space to thrive. A space where I am comfortable knowing that my identity contributes more to my advancement than it acts as a limitation. I stand here now more proud to be black man than I have ever been. I’m not a chance or “checked box,” but a uniquely talented individual opening doors for people like me.
Boundless is about BELONGING.
So to my future fellows reading, I see myself in you. I understand the pressures of being forced to feel like an imposter, a chance. It’s time to break bounds and forge a community where candidates and companies unite. So let’s shape this future together and make a lasting impact.

Past Fellows

Lamar Morgan